Diverse articles

Covering different (but similar) topics. Bellow you can find a selection of articles I've been writing throughout the years.

Digitalisation: The end of banking as we know it

Fintechs are here. They are taking over the classic business of financial institutions. We all need a place to keep our money. How will the future be?

[banking, innovation, digital transformation, api, payments, product management]

Self Driving cars: The chaos in the roads

Like everything else the auto industry is changing. Self-driving cars are becoming a thing. What does that mean for the safety of our roads?

[artificial intelligence, smart cities, smart cars, safety, driving]

Agile, APIs, and Digital transformation. Understanding the BS Bingo through biology - Thoughts on modern corporate structure

A long title for a complex topic. Companies are failing on their Digital and Agile Transformation. Mostly because they don't understand how different topics are related.

[corporate structure, agile, digital transformation, api management, innovation, product management]

Corona Virus 19: The future is... now?

Nothing has affected the world like COVID 19.
Individuals, companies, countries. There's no escape. And it's taking the economy with it. Many companies are failing to adapt. What about you? Will you be ready when the next one comes?

[pandemic, innovation, product management, agile, business, digital transformation, strategy, pivot]

Stop doing projects

Why companies should stop doing projects

From projects to products!
Or, in other words: from time keeping to value creation; from task execution to strategy implementation; from silos to cooperation; from spending money to making money.
What do you prefer? To keep doing the same things or embracing a mindset focused on bringing benefits? Why is it so hard to change? 

[strategy, project management, product management, leadership, change, organization, mindset]

Keep focus for success

The magic circle for doing things

Ever wondered how to successfully achieve the goals you set yourself up?
Usually it's as simple as framing the right questions from the beginning to define your own boundaries and commit to them. Focus on what you want to achieve and don't get lost on the way.
In this article I propose a simple framework that you can use to make sure you put yourself in the right path.

[focus, success, framework, project management]

Is your IT department still doing waterfall?

In an ever changing environment companies, and their IT departments, have to be more and more dynamic and able to adapt. Waterfall is not able to keep up anymore. Anyone that values time to market and customer focus needs to go in more agile directions.

[waterfall, agile, adaptation, project management, time to market, market fit, scrum, fast pace, kanban]

Elephant Carpaccio: An Agile recipe that will give you an indigestion

When working with a Scrum environment it's important to convey the right message about what is to be built. It's also important to make sure that small, valuable, bits are quickly delivered in a sustainable manner. In order to achieve this the user stories should be written carefully.

[scrum, user story, product management, agile, business, digital transformation, strategy, story writing]

API Management 101

Everyone is talking about Digital Transformation! Every company has it as a challenge for the near future. In this set of articles I introduce the concept of API Management and why it is important for the Digital Transformation.
In the following sections you'll learn about the different elements of this discipline.


The digital transformation

Why APIs?
What is this about and why does it matter?
Explanation where it is coming from and how a topic that seems to be about technology is, in reality, about the survival of you company.
Read the full article...


Digital Value Chain & API as a Product

Creating business value for the companies. It's a new product that you provide, to a new market you never thought about.
Read the full article...


API-first design & On-boarding: The Developer Portal

To do it properly you focus on customers, not technology. APIs and Digital Transformation are about giving a good experience.


The power of knowledge & Making a living out of it

Data driven decisions! Without analytics you don't know the impact of what you are doing. But if you have it you can find new sources of revenue that can prove to be valuable.



In Product Management, the life-cycle of the product is of major importance. This is equally important when talking about APIs. You don't want to reach the market with an outdated product.


Your journey begins

Now it's up to you. Take the ideas that you got from here and go make a difference. No industry can ignore this event. Those who don't do it will tend to disappear.

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